We have in-depth knowledge of the injection moulding process and material properties during processing and use, thus allowing us to provide you with a high-quality end product. With the combined power of cutting-edge machinery,high-end technology and Renata provides best in class quality products to our customers. Our technical molding unit focuses on making parts with the tightest of tolerances.
2k or Two Shot molding is one of the most highly sophisticated processes in the plastic industry. We employ highly advanced tool and process engineering to develop the most innovative solutions. 2K injection molding is perfect for combinations of hard and soft plastics and processing two colors in one part.
Our stamping department operates Bruderer presses to stamp ferrous and non-ferrous metals at speeds up to 1,500 strokes per minute.Our tools are designed to make quality parts at an economical price for our customers.
Hybrid moulding or overmolding allows engineers to take advantage of the strength of the composite while enabling complex designs and processing flexibility through injection moulding polymers. We are the single source for everything: Metal inserts are made by our stamping unit and the moulding is done inhouse.Tooling is all inhouse. We also do assemblies,electrical and leakage testing inhouse to to ensure quality of the parts.
Find out more about our products, manufacturing capabilities, quality assurance and how we can add value to your business.
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